Eagle on the Beach

time time time time

future future future

eagle eagle eagle eagle

slipping slipping slipping slipping


It could be time.

It could be slipping.

It could be the future.

It could be brightly colored power tools.

It could be a large pizza with extra anchovies.

It could be, but it isn't.

It could be a small dog with chapped lips.

It could be a Julian Schnabel painting.

It could be a train to Toledo.

It could be a PBS special on dirt.

It could be a black velvet painting of Elvis

It could be the latest issue of Answer Me!

It could be a giant frog with stock options.

It could be an erector set.

It could be the ravings of an autistic child.

It could be genius.

It could be idiocy disguised as the profound.

It could be the TV movie of the week.

It could be a glow in the dark squid.

It could be a nice cold beer.

It could be the Steve Miller tribute still in progress.

And I said Chris who is Einstein and he said I don't know.

And I said Chris who is Einstein and he said I don't know.

And I said Chris who is Einstein and he said I don't know.

And I said Chris who is Einstein and he shut the hell up already.

Oh this is a gun my friends and this is a gun.

One Zero One Zero One One Zero One Zero One One Zero Zero Zero Zero Zero Zero


Time keeps on slipping....

(c) 2001 Hidden Agenda